Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Looking Back Over The Last 19 Years And How We Got Here.


This is our little family 19 years ago. 
     19 years ago I had a beautiful 2 year old that talked nonstop and loved to ask questions. I started looking into homeschooling due to some prompting by an aqaintance and the thought that I used to teach preschool, I can teach him. At least I could teach preschool. So, I started to read a little and listen to other moms that were considering homeschooling.  I really (to be totally honest) thought these other moms were crazy. I mean I was looking forward to being able to clean my house, get a pedicure occasionally, work out and even work on some fun crafts. Who knows even read a book occasionally. 
     Well, during that time of study about what homeschooling was and how others did it, there was a tragedy that was so horrific at the time (still is.), I sat on the bed I had just made and cried while I watched the news. It was the killings at Columbine. That day will stick in my head forever. I will never forget the looks on the peoples faces. Shock, horror, disbelief. I wept with the country for those terrified students and parents. 
     I heard that homeschooling got a major burst after that event and I even heard many homeschool supporters say that you shouldn't make the decision to homeschool based on the fear of that tragedy. Sadly, that was the first of so many school shootings. And like the Postal Shootings of the generation before, the crime was senseless and so scary. It put terror in many peoples hearts. 
     I continued to study and read. Internet was new for me. I had a new Blueberry Apple computer and I spent every spare minute I could find up in the tiny attic room going down so many homeschool bunny trails. I learned so much. I would call that kind of learning and researching Notebooking to my kids. I still have many of those articles printed up and stored in my filing cabinet. My poor husband, I would start talking about the statistics of homeschooling vs. Public vs. Private with him while he tried to float in the pool enjoying the afternoon sun after work. He would say it was up to me to make the final decision because it was me that the majority of the work would fall on. Now I know he was saying (whether he knew it or not) that I was the one trading the life I had envisioned to one dedicated to my children and their futures. My husband is very involved but, I am the one that chooses curriculum, and courses, checks on classes available, finding groups to join so our kids and myself could meet others doing life the way we were. 

This is our family now. 19 years homeschooling. We now have a 21, 18, 12, and a 10 year old. 

      That was so long ago. Yet, the whether to homeschool or not decision is on many other Mama's hearts today. I urge you to think... Why? Why do I want to homeschool? I warn you, it is a very difficult road in so many ways. Like I said, I have given up so many of the things I had planned for those few hours each day that my children would be in school. I really envisioned myself being the mom that baked cookies and greeted my children with a smile each day. Ready to help with homework and listen to how their day went.  I would have loved being room mom and plan the parties and the teachers gift at the end of the year. It is hard. But, it is also the most rewarding decision we have made for our family. We have truly savored all of the time off, the trips to the zoo or Disneyland while others toil away in class. We have all learned things together, not just one child because a teacher assigned a topic. I have been here for every new milestone. First time they tied their own shoe, first time they read a book all by themselves, when someone finally understood how multiplication works, practical things too, helping dad change the oil in the car, being the "going to the dump" buddy, watching the huge cranes come to lift a full grown tree over the peak of a house, climbing up into the cab of said crane, to see how the levers work, and so much more.  We have homeschooled through wonderful times and heart breaking times. We have been able to share LIFE with our children because of homeschooling. But, we also have had to share LIFE with our children.  There are things in life that we as parents would probably just as well shield our kids from having to know or experience. 
     With four children, I have had a good spectrum of learners. One that was good at math, one that learned to read on their own, one that still struggles, I had a child that was so easy going and loved to learn and one that hated every single day of anything we were learning. (Yay, Jr. High!) Yes, I was my children's teacher during puberty. Enough said. 
      I have been blessed with a wide range of personalities when it comes to my children and what kind of learners they are. I have grown so much since that day of the Columbine tragedy so many years ago. I have truly learned so very much. About myself, my husband, each child's personalities, my strengths, my enormous weaknesses, my abilities and my inabilities. It has been said to me several times over the years, "I just don't have the patience to homeschool my children." 
      The answer I usually give them is, "Do you want some?" Homeschooling is the best way I know how to find out the rough patches on myself. The places God is still working on. Homeschooling has been the biggest refinery God has used in my life. 
     With all of that said, I want to say to you, Why do you want to homeschool? Are you willing to take up this enormous task? Are you ready to be the one your child looks at when they are 18 or 19 and want to go to college?  It's what you taught them or didn't that determines so much at that point. 

     I will be using this blog (although created a very long time ago), to share things that I have learned. I will post some of the many things I have written and put away. I will share strategies and techniques. I will share so recipes, some fun things as well as some hard things. IF you are interested in what I have to say, please follow me and feel free to comment. I can't promise I will be always consistent. But, what I put on her will be things that I wish I had known but, had to learn the hard way. 

Friday, August 18, 2017

Who Would Hold Your Arms Up?

          I had been looking for a new Bible Study to do. I try to keep the habit of reading daily but, I've noticed I do better if I have a study to follow. I came across a book I used several years ago and felt like I got so much out of it that it was worth reading again. I'm sure many have heard of it or have even read it. Experiencing God: Knowing and Doing the Will of God by Henry and Richard Blackaby.
          So, I started reading this morning. I read the Intro and then dove into the first chapter. It was talking about how the different names of God are linked to the experience the person had with God when it was given. 
          The name Moses gave to God after the story of Joshua fighting with the Amalekites  and Moses stands on the hill holding up the Staff of the Lord, was "The Lord is my banner".  The scripture is Exodus 17:8-15. The story really stuck with me some strong thoughts. I put pen to paper and this is what came out. Usually, that is where my writing will stay. On paper. In my notebook. Today I wanted to share. Maybe someone else could use to hear this. 
Image result for image of moses holding his hands up to win the battle      Here it is:
Moses holds his arms/hands up to heaven, holding the Staff of God and as long as his hands stay up the Israelites are beating the Amalekites. When his hands are allowed to fall down-the Israelites began to loose. That's the story basically. Simply. 
           Moses has his brother Aaron and Hur on the hill top with him. As Moses grows weary the men sat him on a rock. Then each of them stand on either side of Moses and helped him hold his arms up until sunset. This is when Joshua and God's army defeats the Amalekites. 

Question: Who do you have as a Christian brother or sister to help hold your hands up while you do battle for God?

Do you have strong Christian people in your life that will help you move forward with the tasks God has laid out before you? 
Who are they?
Do they know who they are to you?
Will they know you need them?
Will they know you will allow them to help you?
Would you be able to bring yourself to ask them for help? 

           As far as I can tell from the scripture (I'm no Bible scholar, just an amateur), Moses was getting tired and his brother and his friend saw this. They saw the result of his exhaustion and how it would hold back the Israelites-God's people-if he didn't continue.  So, they jumped in and helped. Moses didn't need to conjole or beg. They saw his need and jumped in and helped. His success was their success -was God's success!

           A simple question to ponder,  who do you have in your life that would willingly jump in and help you succeed in God's will for your life? 

NOTE: The areas that God calls you can be in so many areas. Whether it is a ministry at church, a passion you feel God has put in your heart, raising your family, providing for your family, homeschooling, self-care (exercise, diet, self talk, time alone with spouses etc), there are so many areas this can be in. Don't think that these people/ friends have to only come from your church. They could be in your homeschool group, your bible study group, your child's school you help at, your work, your family, maybe a FaceBook group that has the same interests or passions. Don't limit God in who you think could help and encourage you. Open your mind to let Him show you who could be there for you.

Thursday, March 23, 2017

St. Patrick's Day And Other Silly Holidays

I'm a few daysI'm a few days late on this and I'll tell you why. Sadly, I saw another article (I know it was actually about me, oh well) that talked about too many holidays.
Well, I had to think about what this person was saying. So, here is my answer. We all have things that are important to us. We all have traditions that we love. And even some we hate. But, we do them for our families.
When I had my first son who is now 19yo, I sat down and really thought about what kind of traditions we should have as a family. We got to start with a fresh clean slate. Some of those traditions didn't continue and others became so important that we could never skip them. Some even happened by accident. With all of that said, I am going to tell you a little something about my families St. Patrick's day celebrations/traditions.

Remember these have changed and morphed as the years have gone on and they look a bit different then I imagined they would 19 years later.

The day started with everyone looking for something green to wear. Then it was downstairs to our traditional Green eggs and Ham.
We then went along with our day doing school work and chores. After an hour or so our Leprechaun showed up (He was new this year. I got tired of writing cute little notes and thought this was easier and a little more fun. My littles (8 and 10), thought he was so fun. We set him on the counter in the kitchen. Within the next hour someone noticed he was missing.. Uh oh!

They soon found him on top of a pile of legos. my 10yo son wasn't thrilled. Those were his and he keeps them in such a nice order. Son cleaned them up and I took the Leprechaun back to the kitchen. While later my 8yo daughter noticed the little trickster was missing again. We found him in the living room with all of her dolls. One in particular being trapped by the Leprechaun himself!
Mean little man.

So, as the day went on we had a few more little mishaps.
A mess in the pantry.
Some very loud Irish music with the wee man in a pile of guitar picks. He had a couple of cups of Lucky Charms to share too.

Then they discovered the ever famous, Leprechaun pee in the toilet. That was always the goodbye the little messy creeps always left for us.
At this point I made homemade Shamrock Shakes. Lastly, a few golden chocolate coins are usually found around the house.

That is the end of the fun Leprechaun day for my kids. So you all know, my teenagers now have the pleasure of making the messes. So, it becomes fun for everyone. Nothing heavy. Just a fun distraction of the day.

Now often in years past we have dedicated the day to learning all about St. Patrick himself and to how the day come about. He has a very interestingly Godly story.

I feel like it is important for me to say at this point that I love to have diversions in our days. Something silly and fun, every now and then to give my kids a thrill. Something they wouldn't do if they were in regular school. I'm big on short unit studies in the grade school years. I love silly holidays to be able to learn about. National Chocolate Day, nat'l Pig day, nat'l hat day, Nat'l Apple month. There are so many. You have a choice make it fun or stressful. IF it's too stressful mom, then don't do it.

Actually, I've been writing a book on holidays, unit studies and how to have mini holidays in your school years. These are the things that make life in homeschooling so much fun. Without too much money and often very little effort, you can make a memory that will last a life time for your children, and you.

Homeschooling should be fun. And often it isn't. Often it is so hard, and scary and stressful, and upsetting, and, and, and, .....

Do things to shake it up. Throw a bucket of legos and the floor and declare it Lego day. Or pull out all the board games in the house and call it Board Olympics. We don't take the same days off that the local schools do. We make our own holidays. You can too.

I hope this was helpful.